My Guinea Pigs / Cavies
These wonderful animals are not a source of income for me but a hobby I am passionate about which I invest a lot of personal resources and time into.
My goal is to breed cavies with 1st class health, a strong body structure and top-quality coat, which is why my cavies have the best breeding lines.
All my cavies live with us at home, are brushed, cuddled and stroked every day and are treated as part of the family.
My cavies live with cats and dogs and are extremely comfortable being around most domesticated animals.
All cavies are also under constant veterinary care to ensure good health.
I don’t allow any cavies to leave my home until they reach a minimum of 8 weeks of age. Before leaving, all cavies are treated to prevent skin-based parasites and roundworms.
I am registered in
*National Cavy Club
*Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club
*Northern Cavy Fanciers
*British Cavy Council
(prefix "Xamren")
*Oldham Cavy Club